How Does Oregon Feed and Grain Serve Its Members?
MEETINGS: The association holds one Annual Convention in the spring of the year at which time pertinent speakers are engaged to bring the membership abreast of the latest information in various fields of interest. At this time the association holds its annual business meeting, election of officers, etc.
COMMITTEES: The Oregon Feed and Grain Association has committees representing the feed industry, seed industry, legislation, transportation, ag chemicals, group insurance, nutrition, safety and scholarship. These committees meet when necessary to conduct business. The association officers also travel to two districts of the organization once a year.
COMMUNICATIONS: The association disseminates a newsletter to its members on a frequent basis to bring them abreast of current activities. Also the official publication of the association is the “Commercial Review” which is published four times a month. An annual Membership Directory is prepared and sent to all members once a year by the association office.
LEGISLATIVE ACTIVITY: The association office works with lobbyists and others on issues of concern at the state, regional and national legislative levels.
SCHOLARSHIP: The association gives an annual $1,000 scholarship to a college student who is a dependent of a member or employee of a member.